Document Title: [My recap experience.html (html file)]
From: "Bret Pehrson"Subject: My recap experience Date: Saturday, July 15, 2000 3:07 PM Thought I'd pass on my first recap experience: I have a Donkey Kong Jr. that I picked up a couple of weeks ago, and the CRT picture has been dying ever since. The problems that I had were that the picture would take approx. 5 minutes to appear, and even then, it was very dark and red was about gone. I picked up a Zanen cap kit for the monitor (Sanyo). All said, it took about two hours to do install the caps. Second time around should cut that time in half, at least. I discharged the monitor using the aligator clip & screwdriver technique. There was no charge. Next, I pulled out the entire CRT and chassis, too much of a hassle to remove just the board. Even on the workbench, I still had wires (soldered to the board), so it was a little tedious to work on the board. The hardest part was locating the caps. I was doing everthing from the backside (to avoid flipping the board and potentially breaking a component or wire). I spent 20 minutes trying to locate one cap -- it turns out it was unmarked on the bottom side! I won't make that mistake again. I did find one visibly hosed cap (C408) that had the bottom popping out. Slapped the monitor back in the cabinet, powered it up, and 100% rejuvenated picture! What a world of difference a new kit can make! -- Misc details -- Here are some details that I learned while installing the kit: - Clean the board. Lots of greasy dust. - Write down a list of each and every connector that you disconnect, screw removed, etc. Makes the a real good reassembly checklist to make sure that you don't miss anything. - Use a nice new tip on your soldering iron. Makes a world of difference. - I got tired of hunting throught the little bag of caps for each one that I was working on. So I got a piece of foam and stuck the caps leads in it, with the farads and voltages facing me. MUCH EASIER! - Check the values of the old capacitor w/ the new one. They should match. In some cases, I noticed that the voltages were different (orig. 160, new 250). I've heard that this is intended, and is ok. - Don't clip the legs of the newly installed caps until the end. - The short leg of the cap is the negative. Make sure that you install in the correct polarity. - Double-check the polarity just before clipping the legs. Remeber, short is negative. - Triple-check the polarity from the top of the board. On the Sanyo, there was a bar on the circuit board indicating the negative.